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Foto: Kiran West
Mixed Bill with works by Pina Bausch, Hans van Manen, Demis Volpi and Justin Peck The Times Are Racing
Demis Volpi's first season Dear Audience, For my first season as Artistic Director of the Hamburg Ballet, I have decided to shape it with the idea of a "prologue" in mind. More...
October 2024
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Foto: Kiran West
Ballet by Cathy Marston based on the Novel by Charlotte Brontë Jane Eyre
Foto: Kiran West
Ballet by John Neumeier Epilogue
Foto: Kiran West
Mixed Bill with works by Aszure Barton and William Forsythe Slow Burn
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Working towards a common goal Interview with the new artistic director of the Hamburg Ballet Demis Volpi | by Vivien Arnold (in German)
Hamburg Ballet on TV John Neumeier's ballet "Ghost Light" can be seen in the ARD Mediathek until December 29
New Blog Artem on his debut in "A Streetcar Named Desire": 3 Questions to Artem Prokopchuk
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