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The Times Are Racing | Mixed Bill with works by Pina Bausch, Hans van Manen, Demis Volpi and Justin Peck

How time flies. And how times change. The mixed bill "The Times Are Racing" brings together four diverse choreographies spanning the last 50 years of dance [...]

Premiere: Sat 28. Sep. 2024 | next performance: Thu 17. Jul. 2025


Slow Burn | Mixed Bill with works by Aszure Barton and William Forsythe

Especially in the context of romantic relationships, the term "slow burn" refers to the slow maturing of deep feelings. Will you take your time to appreciate [...]

Premiere: Sun 08. Dec. 2024 | next performance: Wed 18. Dec. 2024


Death In Venice | A Dance of Death by John Neumeier based on the novella by Thomas Mann

What fascinates me in my interpretation of Thomas Mann’s novella is the depiction of absolute love. Tadzio causes Aschenbach to confront a hidden part of [...]

Revival: Sun 09. Feb. 2025


Demian | Ballet by Demis Volpi after Hermann Hesse

Demis Volpi creates his first full-length ballet for the Hamburg Ballet loosely based on Hermann Hesse’s "Demian" – a coming-of-age novel which, during the [...]

Premiere: Sun 06. Jul. 2025


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