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Thu, Jun. 19, 2025, 7.30 pm - 9.30 pm | Kampnagel [k6] Premiere

Ludger Vollmer

Frühlings Erwachen

Youth Introduction at 6.45 pm

Why are we here? Are we loved? Have children someday? Graduate from school? And will there still be someone to remember us in 100 years' time? A group of young people looking for their way through perhaps the hardest time of their lives. Driven by the feeling of loneliness and the longing for closeness, by ignorance and boundless curiosity, by pressure to perform and sheer despair, they struggle through the school year: Moritz, Melchior, Wendla and their classmates. They experience violence, abuse, death and a small spark of hope for all the survivors (perhaps also the dead). Wedekind's drama is more than a coming-of-age drama, it is a reckoning with the society of its time, an unsparing story that has lost none of its revolutionary power to this day and will be unleashed in a new and contemporary way through music in this world premiere.

Production: Neco Çelik
Stage: Alexander Wolf
Video: Jan Speckenbach
Dramaturgy: Angela Beuerle

Singspiel based on the children's tragedy by Frank Wedekind. Text by Martin G. Berger.

Supported by the Foundation for the Promotion of the Hamburg State Opera and the Michael Otto Foundation


Venue: Kampnagel [k6]
Prices: 10,00 EUR to 28,00 EUR

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